Opening date: 22 May 2019
Running date: 28 May 2019
Opening night: Wednesday the 22nd of May
6 - 9 pm
Transfer features 7 young emerging artists from Sydney, working in the medium of printmaking, painting and ceramics. The exhibition explores and celebrates a range of diverse concepts and stylistic attitudes unique to each artist, and revolves around this broad idea of ‘’transferral’’ - that is, the action of enabling an idea to be translated into surface, texture, mark making, material and image. The exhibition honours the artistic process in each work, and the abilities of the artist to communicate through action, creation and contemplation, a translation of their inner thoughts, concepts and processes.
Featuring work by
Madeline Castelli
Wade Taranto
Lucy Bird
Casey Chen
Faith Mrljak
Clare Wigney
Phoebe Cutler